Fedoras are a fantastic choice when looking for a versatile option that offers sun protection and keeps you looking sharp all day long. Warm weather in the forecast? Not a problem! Opt for one of these lighter material fedoras, featuring Panama straw and equipped with inner sweatbands.
Don’t let predictions for a rainy race day get you down. Our water resistant “Belfry Cray” with Poly Braid is just what you need to wick moisture away. All of these options will pair perfectly with the rest of your Derby ensemble.
The odds will be in your favor at the races in our "Venice Classic Boater". This straw boater is also made with Panama straw and fitted with inner sweatbands, making this a great option for being functional without sacrificing style. You’ll be sure to make a statement in the iconic Belfry Gandala inspired hat
Looking to add even more personality to your hat? Removable feathers are just the accessory you need to add extra pizzazz and originality.
With these classic picks, you’ll be a guaranteed triple crown winner on race day. Find your winning Derby hat by shopping our entire selection of Men’s Kentucky Derby hats online or in store.